Saturday 23 June 2012

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Several years ago I suffered great pain in the right side of my mouth. At first I thought it was an abscess and it quite ruined my Christmas. Eventually I went to my dentist who looked at all the alternatives and took x-rays. He thought it was Trigeminal Neuralgia and referred me to the dental hospital for confirmation.

Meanwhile, my dentist gave me some major pain killing medicine (Tegretol) which did take the edge off the pain, which was terrible. He recommended I use it whenever necessary and I still have twinges when something else is wrong, like I have a cold or something.

The dental hospital were all of the opinion that it was Trigeminal Neuralgia and I was admitted for major surgery on the right side of my face. During surgery, the major nerve to my right cheek and the right side of my mouth was killed. This even affected the right side of my tongue, but total feeling has come back to my tongue now.

I was only in hospital one day. The pain has completely gone, but I have a dead right side to my mouth. This means I have to be careful not to bite my cheek!


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